Beauty Corner: Fleur de Force Collaborates w/ Eylure on Lash Range

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Blogger and vlogger Fleur de Force has some exciting news. She is collaborating with eyelash brand Eylure on a range of false lashes.

The collection has four pairs of lashes that will be available in Boots stores in the U.K.

An event was held in London on Wednesday evening to celebrate the collection. In attendance were fellow bloggers and friends Lily Pebbles and Anna from Vivianna Does Makeup. Other bloggers and members of the press were present also.

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Georgia Moore    Beauty Editor

Lily Pebbles is ENGAGED!

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British beauty and lifestyle vlogger Lily Pebbles and boyfriend of 7 years, Rich Garnham are engaged.

Lily announced the engagement on Instagram on Friday evening. Rich placed a framed illustration on the wall of their new flat with the words “Lily will you marry me?” in the centre. The illustration features meaningful things to the couple also.

Lily’s new weekly vlog explains how the whole thing went down. Watch that here.

Congratulations Lily!

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Troye Sivan Announces ‘Wild’ Pre-Order

Australian singer Troye Sivan is currently in London, England. He announced the pre-order for his 6-song album this morning.

The album is available for pre-order on and on iTunes.

Additionally, Troye revealed for the ‘Blue Neighbourhood’ trilogy, which fans are speculating is a series of videos to coincide with some of the songs.

Check out the video here.

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Photo Credit:

Teen Choice Awards 2015: Choice Web Winners

YouTubers were out in force at the 2015 Teen Choice Awards. Our favourite YouTubers were nominated. Here are the list of winners and nominations.

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Youtuber “Kalel Kitten” finds out what its like to be caught up in controversy!

Kalel Kitten, or Kristen Smith to call her by her birth name, recently posted the following on her Twitter in regards to the tragic murder of Cecil the lion:

still struggling to understand how so many are sad over the murder of a lion when they themselves contribute to animal murder on the daily

and she then followed it up with:

what makes it okay to kill one animal but not another? really think about that one.

She received a plethora of responses outlining the invalidity of her argument including; “Vegan diets are expensive and not everyone can afford that lifestyle”, “lions are an endangered species”, “Cecil was in a wildlife reserve”, and “We aren’t lesser human beings purely because we eat meat”.

Most noticeably, Kalel recieved various valid opinions and expressions of fact from a handful of individuals (names withheld for privacy purposes). A review of each of these peoples’ twitter accounts, my own included, shows that they are all teenagers, all being approximately sixteen years old. Kalel responded to our valid and civil points by calling us all ignorant and saying that we should be ashamed of themselves, because we are “murderers”. She even went as far as tweeting directly at me (@eoinobrien_) with a picture of a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer that read, “The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about yet refuse to investigate”. I then responded with various points about how Kalel is tearing down the teenagers who idolise her, pointing out that responses of these type are what lead to low self-esteem, depression and suicide. I said:

It felt like being stabbed. A women I idolised tore me down with one tweet. And every person who retweeted or favourited her tweet just twisted the knife the she had stabbed me with.

I later posted three screenshots outlining an apology for anything that I said in the heat of the moment but that I refuses to feel bad for eating meat. Despite the attention that the tweet got, including retweets and favourites that would all notify Kalel, the YouTuber refused to accept the olive branch that has been offered.

So if you’re to take something away from this, remember that when you have someone who looks up to you, the worst thing imaginable is to tear them down because they will either never recover or they will rise from the ashes and they will be strong enough to take you down.


Eoin O’Brien, Contributing Writer

Vid Con 2015: Art of Vlogging Panel

Jesse and Jeana of Prankvsprank and BFvsGF, Justine Ezarik (iJustine), Shay Carl (SHAYTARDS) and Charles Trippy (CTFxC) all united on the Entertainment Weekly & People Interview Stage for the Art of Vlogging panel, yesterday afternoon.

On the panel, they discussed what motivates them to create and how they interact with an audience through online video. They talked about how vlogging has changed them and how their techniques have changed over the years.

Vlogging is an extremely popular niche on YouTube, and the panel’s turnout showed how interested people were to learn more about the medium.


Paul McLauchlan   Editor-in-Chief